Written by 9:23 pm Arts, Reviews

“Judy” Mini Movie Review

A singular, stellar performance does not make a great film. Renée Zellweger shines as Wizard of Oz star and musical and Hollywood phenomenon Judy Garland in the biopic Judy. Unfortunately, aside from Zellweger’s performance, this movie fails to truly reach “Over the Rainbow.” Judy follows the now tiresome musical biopic formula of a young star being discovered for their incomparable talent, reaching new found fame, being abused or mistreated by their manager, struggling with addiction to drugs and/or alcohol, failing in their love life, and ultimately finding victory and redemption. Other than the titular performance, the remainder of this movie seems tired and overly formulaic. If you’re looking for a sneak peek at a likely Best Actress nominee come award season, you should perhaps check it out. However, if you’re looking for a 2019 musical biopic with another great lead performance, but some actual fun, stylistic flair, and cinematic skill, check out Rocketman instead. •

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