A subscription to The College Voice will give you the most honest coverage of the topics and events (local and international) confronting the college from student and faculty perspectives, as well as the latest news in Camel sports.
This is a great option for parents who want to know more about the school sending them bills, and for alumni interested in the happenings at their alma mater. Although our information is free online, our staff focuses its efforts in print first and foremost. The paper subscription is also a symbol of where we started as a student-run college newspaper.
Subscribing also helps support our newspaper: we always (and desperately) need funds for well-functioning equipment, varying staff and office supplies, field trips to local newspaper conventions and venues, and the ever-rising cost of newsprint.
For $30 for two semesters or $18 for one (that’s $3 per issue, 6 issues per semester) you’ll receive biweekly issues of The College Voice delivered straight to your mailbox anywhere in the US.
If you’d like to purchase a subscription or have any questions about doing so, please send an email business@thecollegevoice.org with the subject “Subscription.”