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	Comments on: The Camels Hump: what’s the difference between a kink and a fetish?	</title>
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	<description>Connecticut College&#039;s independent student newspaper</description>
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		By: --		</title>

		<pubDate>Sat, 15 Mar 2014 08:46:47 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://dev.thecollegevoice.org/wp1/?p=75#comment-239572</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[This article is entirely misinformed. The fact that these things are stated as fact in a news article, especially a student news article, is totally astonishing. The targeted reader is students fresh out of high school, who are still very impressionable with their perception of the world. Furthermore, the amount of time it would take to look into the correct information for this is negligible at best. This person seems highly biased against not only individuals with fetishes, but people who participate in a harmless fandom. Not everyone who dresses in costume is a fetishist, and not everyone who is a fetishist dresses in costume for one.

But that&#039;s somewhat beside the point. Fetishists can be considered a sexual fan of something nonsexual, true, but that doesn&#039;t mean they need it or thoughts thereof to achieve satisfaction, and I think you&#039;ll find anyone is &quot;guilty&quot; of at least one fetish. Do you especially like thigh highs? Short skirts? Heels? What about a nice set of abs on topless men at the beach? I hope you understand where this is going.]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This article is entirely misinformed. The fact that these things are stated as fact in a news article, especially a student news article, is totally astonishing. The targeted reader is students fresh out of high school, who are still very impressionable with their perception of the world. Furthermore, the amount of time it would take to look into the correct information for this is negligible at best. This person seems highly biased against not only individuals with fetishes, but people who participate in a harmless fandom. Not everyone who dresses in costume is a fetishist, and not everyone who is a fetishist dresses in costume for one.</p>
<p>But that&#8217;s somewhat beside the point. Fetishists can be considered a sexual fan of something nonsexual, true, but that doesn&#8217;t mean they need it or thoughts thereof to achieve satisfaction, and I think you&#8217;ll find anyone is &#8220;guilty&#8221; of at least one fetish. Do you especially like thigh highs? Short skirts? Heels? What about a nice set of abs on topless men at the beach? I hope you understand where this is going.</p>