Written by 1:50 pm Editorials

This Weak at Connecticut College


We’ve been told that the best way to issue a complaint to the school is by involving hyperneurotic parents.  With our pride in mind and The College Voice at hand, we will double-handedly express the concerns of the entire third floor of Larrabee here: our ceiling is rusting and raining in ways only fully describable through the photos above and the video provided here.  We’ve been told that it realistically won’t be fixed until winter break, and yet we cannot walk in the door without being dripped on, and our paper towel dispenser is out of commission because it soaks our paper towels before they reach our hands.  Deans, please bring this forward in your next meeting.  Don’t avoid our beloved rusty Larrabee, your biggest dorm on campus.  We are not beyond repair.

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