Written by 3:08 pm Letters

Response to “No One Wants Cookies For Breakfast”

I found myself quite disturbed by some of the comments made by my esteemed colleague, Mr. Matt Baum, in his “No One Wants Cookies For Breakfast” column of September 22. Mr. Baum argues that Cookie Crisp is an inferior cereal, beneath us, he says.

Baum calls for a campus wide boycott of the consumption of Cookie Crisp, while at the same time acknowledging that, yes, Cookie Crisp was selected amongst the various other new cereals available at Harris by a vote passed by his peers.

I would like to remind you, Mr. Baum, these cereals were selected by your compatriots. I for one have suffered the indignity of Grape Nuts, the cereal nobody eats, being omnipresent for three long years, only to finally, triumphantly, be rewarded with my one and only request of Reese’s Puffs.

However, I know that this occurred not because of some Cereal Czar, deciding which cereals stayed and which ones were changed for vastly superior ones. This occurred, Mr. Baum, because of simple democracy.

At the Taste of Harris food show last year, the people voted for change. They voted for hope. They voted for Reese’s Puffs, and Cookie Crisp, and all the other new cereals that were made available.

To support Mr. Baum’s cause is to descend into, at best, anarchy, and at worst, cereal fascism. Who are you, sir, to determine which cereals stay, and which ones go? Who are you, to deny the will of your peers for personal satisfaction? At long last, sir, who are you?

I urge my fellow Connecticut College students to look into your hearts, and ask yourself this question: Do I, in an ideal world, want cookies for breakfast?

I think that you’ll find that you do.

Liz Yoquinto

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