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Spectrum Celebrates LGBTQ Pride on Campus

The Connecticut College community was greeted in Cro with rainbow balloons, banners and weddings, as part of the campus’ Pride Day this past Wednesday.

Pride Day was initially supposed to be Coming Out day, which is October 11, but this year the celebration was moved to November 12, allowing the celebration to coincide with the anniversary of the legalization of gay marriage in Connecticut.

To celebrate the anniversary of the legalization of marriage in Connecticut, people were encouraged to get married at one of the tables in Cro. Wedding rings were offered and vows were exchanged frequently.

In Brenner Green’s hour shift at Pride Day, he witnessed over fifteen “marriages.”

During Pride Day, people were also encouraged to play ‘Gay Jeopardy’ to win prizes such as posters and bumper stickers. Topics included LGBTQ Terms, LGBTQ Politics, Queer Life at Conn and Lady Gaga. ‘Gay Jeopardy’ was meant to be a fun way to educate people about the LGBTQ community.

Spectrum gave out informational resources for the LGBTQ community and Allies.

Brenner Green, co-chair of Spectrum, enjoyed the success of Pride Day: “I think today was a success in that we were able to pass along the message of equality. The event was fun, and people also learned a lot about gay culture. A lot of people had a great time getting married. In fact, most of the marriages we had today were same-sex marriages!”

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