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Free museums, ninety degree weather, and conncoll reunions.. by Julie Sizer

Hello ladies and gents. Another week gone by.  I am definitely living up to what a typical college student should do during their summer: I’m staying up too late, I’m qualifying cheese and crackers as an adequate dinner and I’m trying to pay for as little as possible.  But unlike most other people doing a CELS internship, I’m staying up too late because I’m studying for midterms, eating cheese and crackers on the fly to class, and paying for as little as possible…well I’m pretty sure everyone else is doing that too.  Such is life when you’re taking summer classes…

In terms of paying for as little as possible DC definitely supports this choice.  All the museums here are free and I had a little museum binge last weekend.  I feel like such a nerd in this city – I literally want to go to everything (can’t decide whether this longing is because I’m actually interested in the museums or because I’m stingy and want to go mainly because they don’t cost anything).  Last weekend I went to the Museum of Natural History, the Museum of American History and went on a night monument tour.  I totally geeked out at the Museum of American history when I saw Dorothy’s red slippers and the first ladies dresses.  Not surprising for anyone who knows me. conncoll’s very own Sarah Murphy (Smurph) came down for the day too and we had a little reunion with some other ConnColl’ers.  We took a picture by the museums – CC magazine anyone?!

One thing I’ve been getting quite used to is little forms of etiquette that comes with being in a city that is so professional.  On the metro, if you’re not walking up or down the escalator (pointless I know, but everyone does it) you HAVE to stand on the right side.  Otherwise you’ll be the victim of approximately 20 rolled eyes by resident DC’ers.  ”Casual” dress in the office really means dress to impress – there is no such thing as truly casual in this city.  I’m very much a soccer shorts and t-shirt kind of girl – not that acceptable here unless you’re going on a jog.  And it’s literally a hotbed in this city.  I’m not used to being in this type of heat and actually feel like I’m melting.  I constantly see these over-ambitious joggers running around at noon and question their sanity.  Yesterday it was a record high of 101…can only imagine what it’ll be like next week.

Heading to work then going to class….until another time,

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