This week SGA heard a presentation from CC Curtis on Alcohol and Drug Education.
A presentation by Chair of Environmental Affairs Elias Kauders on Renewable Energy Credits, which SGA devotes 15% of the annual Renewable Energy Fund to.
SGA discussed the General Education Foreign Language Requirement on request of Mihir Sharma, Chair of Academic Affairs.
SGA passed Resolutions #9 and #10: Amending the procedure for replacing Senators mid-semester. New senators will now be elected by their House Council after a nominating period open to the entire dorm. Resolution 10# overrides the Referendum requirement to the entire student body.
The Assembly passed Resolution #14, to devote the remainder of the Renewable Energy Fund, along with next year’s allocation, to the construction of a major solar project (approx. 100kW). Success of this project requires a matching commitment from the school and is dependent on significant and generous state grants. The resolution garnered unanimous support.
The Assembly briefly discussed revised letter of support for democratic movements put forward by CCDissent. The issue was tabled to be brought back to the houses for further consideration.
Finally, SGA passed Resolution # 15 Submitted by Claire von Loesecke and Jessica Yi. Resolution to support the Above Current Level (ACL) request for more counseling staff submitted by Student Counseling Services. This recurring ACL would add one more student counselor to the service, increasing the capacity of SCS and their flexility.
Announcements: Blood Drive, OXFAM Dinner, and the Powderpuff Thanksgiving Classic are all coming up!