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Health and Fitness: Zumba Dance

is packed with two floors of treadmills, bikes, and elliptical machines, making workout options endless, but easily repetitive. To breathe cycle of treadmill torture, Conn offers several different classes throughout the week, including Zumba, a dance workout phenomenon. Zumba is designed for men and women of all ages and provides a no-judge, calorie-burning zone for anyone interested in a fulfilling hour-long workout.

Zumba was created by accident by Alberto “Beto” Perez, a fitness instructor from Colombia, in the mid-90s when he forgot the traditional aerobics music for a class.

He improvised with the music he could find, and a new workout was designed.

In 2005 the “happy accident” became a trademarked company with instructional DVDs, infomercials, and then classes whose instructors are licensed and trained at the Zumba academy.

According to Zumba’s mission statement, the goal of Zumba is to provide accessible fitness without the strain and sacrifice, Just the pure joy of a party.

Sophomore Alysia Mattson is an instructor this semester of Zumba classes at Conn, and even she forgets that the dance party is a workout and loves the intensity of the class. “I have never really been a huge fan of going to the gym and intentionally working out,” she said “The dance studio has always provided a more comfortable environment for me. However, I realized that through Zumba I am able to combine dance with fitness!” she said.

The Zumba class, although a light-spirited, music filled class, has several health benefits. According to freshman campus instructor Amanda Florian, Zumba provides muscle toning, strengthening, and cardio. “It is not designed for people who have any prior dance experience, so anyone can do it,” Florian said. “Dancing works a lot of muscles that people who are not accustomed to dance don’t usually utilize in a normal workout so you get a great sweat in every class.”

Sweating is almost inevitable during this workout. In fact, the best way to get all of the fitness value you can out of Zumba is by truly letting yourself go, getting into the music, and perfecting the dance moves. The average Zumba attendee isn’t an experienced dancer, so much of the class is about laughing at yourself and burning calories. A non-dancer’s first Zumba class may be awkward, but students have found that if you can get past the embarrassment of being an amateur dancer then the experience is more fulfilling.

Freshman Jessica Weldon goes to the classes regularly and is satisfied with the results. “The instructors do a great job helping you learn the moves and it’s fun to try and keep up. Everyone is just there to have a fun workout so its never embarrassing when you mess up.”

WebMD reviewed the exercise and said that its benefits include, “calorie burn, increased aerobic threshold, more stamina, increased bone density, improved balance and muscle tone, less body fat, and lower blood pressure.”

The class uses contemporary songs from artists like Pitbull and Rihanna with Latin music mixed in as in Perez’ first vision, providing students with familiar music as well as introducing them to a possibly new genre. Whether you’re an experienced dancer or not, the classes offered at Conn are enthusiastically instructed and a positive investment of time.

The classes are offered Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 5 P.M.

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