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SGA News & Minutes

• Vice President of Information Services Lee Hisle and his staff came to SGA this week. They first wanted to hear our opinions about the library facil


ities and how we as students currently use them. With the library renovation project just around the corner they wanted to know how the current library is perceived and what we would like to see in the future in terms of study spaces. The Information Services staff is looking for as much student input as possible so if you would like to share your thoughts e-mail us at sga@conncoll.edu and we’ll pass your thoughts on to them.

• We also briefly discussed our current bandwidth saturation and how our wireless network’s bandwidth is maxed out. With an average of more than 4,500 devices that use the wireless network at a time, at least two devices per student are accessing the wireless network. An ACL request has been submitted by VP Hisle’s staff to not only maintain our current bandwidth level of 280 Mbps, but also to increase it to over 300 Mbps for the following year.

• We rounded out discussion with Digital Signage. After hearing the cost of maintaining potential LCD stations across campus, a sizeable amount of assembly members believed that the cost outweighed the benefits.

• Honor Council Chair Alicia Cauteruccio ’12 brought forth a resolution to increase the Honor Council hearing board from six members to eight. Since there are more representatives on Honor Council in comparison to previous years, the thought is that increasing the size of the hearing board will allow representatives to hear more cases and thus become well versed in Honor Council precedings.

For any additional information about last week’s meeting or anything SGA related e-mail us at sga@conncoll.edu, visit our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (@ConnCollSGA) or stop by our office, Cro 201. Have a great week! •


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