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Martha Merrill Makes a Move

You may have obsessed over her contributions to the New York Times blog, “The Choice,” when you were an aspiring Camel trying to do all the right things to get in to college. Or perhaps you were welcomed into your daunting interview by her bright smile, meanwhile sweating beneath your over-thought interview outfit. What you might not have known, though, is that Martha Merrill, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, has been through it all herself. A Conn alumna, Merrill has been immersed in the college community longer than its current students have been alive. Since graduating in 1984, she has witnessed many changes to the institution, but there are many things, too, that have remained the same.

Take, for example, the view from the top of Tempel Green. Taking the “long way” to work, Merrill drives along Chapel Way in route to Admissions so as not to miss the breathtaking view of Long Island Sound. She’s relatable, friendly and down-to-earth, and she can truly say she loves her job.

However, at the end of this academic year, Merrill will be taking up a new position in the Office of Advancement. “There comes a time when you wake up one morning and realize you’re ready for a new challenge, and the timing is right,” Merrill said. Despite an itch for change, Merrill saw no reason to leave Connecticut College behind her, stating:  “I’m happy to continue to work for the institution; there was really never a question in mind to leave [as] I’ve always felt a strong tie to this institution.”

A psychology major during her time as a student, Merrill entered the working world first as an advertising manager at a Boston investment firm. Then, truly exploring the options her liberal arts education provided, she returned to Conn — her second home — to work as a temp in admissions. In her new job, Merrill did whatever was needed and asked of her, “whether it was giving tours, working the front desk or filing, I was in that little house right behind Admissions.”
Following this quick stint, Merrill took some time off from work to start a family, and then returned to Conn to start a career in the Office of Advancement (then referred to as The Alumni Office) in 1996. Now she’s headed back to Advancement to commence her newly established role as Director of the President’s Council and Volunteer Engagement.

Merrill explained that the new position comes “in a time of transition. With a new president and soon to be new leadership in Admissions and Financial Aid, it’s a very exciting time.”
The President’s Council exists at other schools, such as Brown, where Conn College President-elect Katherine Bergeron is currently Dean of the College. Merrill is looking forward to “cultivating” the council, which she explained would serve as a “sounding-board, so to speak, that will keep trusted and knowledgeable alumni engaged and allow them to try something out without being involved as a trustee.” Being a trustee takes a large personal commitment, so this new council will allow for everyone to offer ideas and make changes. As Director of Volunteer Engagement, Merrill expresses that “it’s important to build a base and to look at ensuring communication and strong relationships with those involved as volunteers whether it be in Becker House, CELS or Admissions.”

Not only has this new position been created at an exciting time in terms of College leadership transition, but it also comes directly following the closure of the recent $211 million fundraising campaign for the College. “It’s a wonderful success and will be exciting to celebrate over Fall Weekend,” Merrill said.

When asked what she would miss most in Admissions, Merrill was quick to respond. “The community. The students, guidance counselors and occasionally the parents I connect with daily.” She followed this up with “my parking spot,” laughing that the laziness of college students is one thing that hasn’t changed since she has been a student herself.

Although this will all be missed, it’s clear that her time and experience at Conn will offer her tremendous success in her new position. Merrill explained that her “extensive knowledge of this institution and serving on the senior administrator team has allowed [her] to see the broader context of what’s important and the over-arching goal and priorities [of Conn].”

Merrill stressed that her “understanding of students and ability to speak to who the students here are” will allow not only for alumni to be heard, but for the students themselves to be heard as well, fostering an even deeper relationship between the two bodies.

It’s an exciting time for change on our campus; however, the dedication and positivity that radiates from Merrill provides a comforting and trusting feeling. What’s kept her here for so long is the “broad sense of community” and “enriching academic and interdisciplinary program offerings that continue to change.” With her new work as Director of the President’s Council and Volunteer Engagement, she will undoubtedly build a solid foundation and further establish Conn’s community. •

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