Written by 10:03 am Editorials

On Opinions

We of the Opinions section have been having stylistic differences with the some of the other College Voice staff. We have been politely advised that our section trends toward “ranting” to which, at first, we disagreed vehemently and stubbornly and then threatened to quit the paper. No, in reality, the team chemistry here is second to none, and our disagreement was disimpassioned and brief, and really more of a conversation than a conflict. But this editorial is written in contemplation of this very spot-on accusation.

The Opinions section is often the podium from which students air their grievances and critiques; a podium we think is very necessary and which we’re privileged to be the stewards of. We do, however, worry that sometimes we are the abettors of a lot of negativity, and even more worryingly, completely unconstructive verbal annihilation of events, people, and policies at Conn. We’re not aiming to publish a mess of sugary praise of the college, but we also don’t wish to be enthusiastically handing out the sledgehammers in a carnival of Conn-bashing.

So this, now, for some overdue positivity from the Opinions Editors: There’s something I think is very beautiful about our school that I’ve never heard anyone talk about—our school motto. Let’s put aside the ostentation of it being in Latin and move straight to its translation: “Like a tree planted by rivers of water.” I think this is really brilliant—that as a college, our intention is to be grounded, calm, integrated into our environment, seeping up knowledge around us. At the risk of the sentimentality I’m always trying to avoid (and, which, in my avoidance often steers my articles and those I edit towards the critical)—these words makes me proud to be here.

And this motto gets at what I think we at the paper are trying to do too, though we may often be perceived more as “uprooters” than “planters.” Negative, positive, or hedging both ways, the articles we publish are reflections of the soaking up of ideas, of paying attention, and usually, of thorough consideration and affection for this place. Our writers care enough about this community to want to engage with it, whether through praise or critique.

Whether a fiery defense of the honor code or musings on an igloo built during a snow day, the words published here, in these last months have planted ideas, if nothing else. And that’s powerful enough—it seems that the College Voice Staff can all agree on that, and so atmosphere in the office is peaceful and grounded again, dare I say, like a tree planted by rivers of water. And if you find such tidy endings as the one above suspect, turn to the Opinions section, where I’m sure you’ll find everything you’re looking for.

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