Written by 6:03 pm Opinions

Dear Frankie Advice Column

Dear Frankie

My parents are constantly nagging me about what I should choose to major in. They want me to major in something “marketable” so that I have a better chance of finding a solidly paying job. The thought of crunching numbers and papers all day makes me dizzy, and I’ve always been drawn more towards artistic pursuits, shall we say? At the same time, I know student loans don’t pay themselves. Do you have any advice for this freshman, who prefers mixing paints instead of acids and bases?


Take me back to kindergarten

Dear Take me back to kindergarten,

Although a degree in Econ could prove to be quite lucrative in the future, you’d be surprised to know that pretty much any major here can parlay into many opportunities for a sustainable career. It’s the Liberal Arts honey! For those of us who are right brain dominant, including myself (yay Art History), it is possible to find jobs that can lead to a future of career fulfillment.

A big part working is building relationships with people. If possible, during the summers take the time to find jobs/internships where you can gain experience and skill sets to add to your overall body of work (resume seems rather a stale word). You’ll also have the opportunity to meet people you can learn from. You could meet people who can lead you to a better job, in a better city, with higher pay and benefits… But I digress. What I’m basically trying to say is that while you are here, I think it would be best for you to follow your interests simply because that will make you happy. When you are happy and passionate about what you are working on in general, things will fall into place, as you’ll have gained the confidence to know that you have something meaningful to contribute.

Warmest Regards,


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