Written by 6:17 pm Letters

Letter to the Editor

To The Editor,

I want to comment on the opinion piece, “Playing Off the Ice: A Reminder to Continue Green Dot Mission Beyond the Workshop,” published in the Feb. 16 issue of The College Voice.  This piece has prompted the kinds of conversations the Green Dot Program encourages among our campus community.

The hockey team is one of four athletics teams that have taken the initiative to promote the Green Dot program through their games. A number of other students have also helped build awareness of Green Dot, including those in the Student Government Association, many of the a cappella groups, the Student Athletic Advisory Council (SAAC), Green Dot Grads, One-in-Four, SafetyNet and Think S.A.F.E. interns. The Green Dot program counts on this kind of student-to-student peer involvement to raise awareness, influence culture, and lead meaningful change on campus. I couldn’t be more pleased with the way students on our campus have embraced Green Dot.

That said, Dakota’s piece includes an allegation of harassment. We have reached out to Dakota to offer information about the resources available on campus for reporting allegations of sexual misconduct or harassment, and asked that he pass this on to the student Dakota interviewed. 

Dakota’s piece was also very concerning for the hockey coach and members of the team, especially given their long-standing support for Green Dot. They took the allegation very seriously, and we met with the team and the hockey coach to discuss the issue. 

We can all agree that harassment in any form is never acceptable. Under the leadership of Darcie Folsom and the widespread involvement of our students, our Green Dot program has helped to improve the culture on our campus. We must continue to talk about these tough issues and hold each other accountable to the highest standards.


Victor Arcelus

Dean of Student Life

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