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The Hiring Freeze: A Common Campus Myth, Busted

Conn students have unintentionally spread a rumor of a hiring freeze on campus, but what may merely have resulted from failed attempts at eavesdropping has convinced some students of significant misinformation.

Conn students have unintentionally spread a rumor of a hiring freeze on campus, but what may merely have resulted from failed attempts at eavesdropping has convinced some students of significant misinformation. Robert Rustico, a dining services supervisor, was not familiar with rumors of a hiring freeze on Conn’s campus and claimed that he was not among those who had heard of these claims. He referred to his familiarity with the federal government issued hiring freeze carried out in 2017, and while Rustico knew nothing of a “hiring freeze” at Conn, he offered, “It’s always good business to promote from within.” While it may be good business, the recent rumor ignited fear among students concerning the recognizable consequences of a hiring freeze as it would directly affect academics as well as student living at Conn.  

The hiring freeze to which Rustico referred was not Conn-specific at all, but rather designated a cessation of hiring under the Trump administration in January 2017, when the executive branch aimed to reduce government spending and lower the annual budget. Yet on April 18, just a few months after its initial commencement, the hiring freeze was revoked by the administration, which retreated from its original budgeting solution to formulate “a more strategic plan.”

Rich Madonna, Vice President of Finance and Administration, rejects claims that there is a hiring freeze occuring at Conn. The use of the term seems to be a misrepresentation as the formal modifications within staffing are being administered and reviewed by the Strategic Position Review Committee, referred to as the SPRC. The SPRC was created in May 2017 with intentions to become more cognizant of positions filling within staffing. The committee was constructed under the SPC (Strategic Planning Committee). The organization established in 2015 comprises of students, faculty, and staff who worked to identify the college’s “goals and priorities” for next five to ten years. The SPRC is currently composed of the Senior Director of Financial Planning and Strategic Analysis Mary Calarese, Vice President of Finance and Administration Richard Madonna, Assistant Vice President of Human Resources and Professional Development Cheryl Miller, Associate Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Anthropology Jeff Cole, and Director of Institutional Research and Planning John Nugent. The committee objective is to find solutions to fill staff positions without mindlessly reposting vacant positioning, while also examining solutions to cross collaborate between departments. Consequently, internal hiring is recognized as an effective solution to assigning open positions.

Madonna concentrated on the committee’s objectives in reducing spending and continued to identify the system’s impact in enhancing departmental efficiency. The composition of the committee is equally associated with the college’s finance, so there is an obvious focus on spending. As salary-infringe is 70% of the operating budget, the SPRC is attempting to reduce the increasing percentage. “It (SPRC) maintains affordability and reduc[es] cost structure” says Madonna. Madonna acknowledges the SPRC’s motivation to enhance the student experience which can only be achieved comfortably with increased and diversified revenue. He referred to the financial aid of the Class of 2021, and summer working programs as beneficiaries of raised funds.

The minimalist hiring structure of the SPRC directly affects staff individuals as the positions are shared and restructured; therefore, a staff individual may be performing two workloads for a significant period of time. In a Jan. 28 reassessment of the federal hiring freeze, which also adopted a shared position system, published for NPR article, Brian Naylor notes the low morale and increased workload among federal employees. While Conn’s community environment makes it less likely to endure an unresolved lack of morale, it stills remains a potential effect of work distribution.

Under terms defining a hiring freeze there is restriction of all non-essential hiring; subsequently, the actions of the SPRC parallel this defining section of a hiring freeze supporting the evaluation that in every rumor there is always an atom of truth. Although, the College does not refuse to fill vacant positions, but instead will search thoroughly for a substitute retainer prior to seeking outside employment. Regardless, the SPRC is receiving formal recognition and approval through the NEASC reaccreditation. Since 2017 the creation of SPRC has made engaged attempts to reduce structural financing all the while improving the student experience at Conn. “It gives departments a chance to think about what they need,” says Madonna in reference to the SPRC system, which seems to directly to benefit the Conn Campus.


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