Written by 9:51 pm Arts

Conncoll Drip: The Fashion Group That Takes Pride in its Weirdness

Came thru dripping last September was the Conncoll Drip Instagram account (@conncolldrip). The account is headed by four seniors: Cameron Dyer-Hawes, Nate Morris, Price Day, and Rory Deutsch. In the past months, the four have established an idiomatic brand for themselves through the account–which is further supported by each of their unique and individualized styles, thoughtfully constructed graphics, and utilization of local spaces. The account was inspired by a finsta account originally shared among the close friends. The Drip account has now become a medium to express the spontaneity of contemporary and casual fashion. While the group members had difficulty defining their particular style, they did provide multiple influences which impact their artistic vision including Tyler, the creator, Vince Staples, Blood Orange, and Luka Sabbat. Dyer-Hawes also noted that their posts focus on repurposing trends, specifically the reuse of aesthetics from the Y2K period and 1980s. The account actively seeks to embody an image contrary to the well-established campus fashion magazine, theLOOK. Morris reflected on his experience modeling for the magazine, saying “they put people in particular clothes from someone else’s closet and force you to go into their style.” Dyer-Hawes acknowledged that theLOOK does not “celebrate personal style.”

“I feel like [theLOOK] isn’t weird enough,” he went on to say. This notion that the group prides itself on “weirdness” is largely a result of Drip’s diverse shopping habits that  have produced a closet with an array of unique pieces and signature items. Alongside the group’s occasional trips to Goodwill in Groton, Deutsch remarks that some of his favorite items were previously owned by his father. When speaking about similar rival accounts–Finesse Fits and Conncoll Posed, which emerged soon after the debut of Conncoll Drip– the group acknowledged the new accounts had potential but were lacking an identifying aesthetic to set them apart from theLOOK. Conncoll Drip has been a distinct edition to the fashion scene on campus, and while the seniors have not yet determined the future of the account and brand, there is a strong motivation to pass the vision of the Drip to a new group of visionary students.

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