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The Goodfellas Experience

Photo Courtesy of Unsplash.

Martin Scorsese’s mob epic Goodfellas is turning 30. It is truly an incredible film that has rightfully been praised by some of the top film critics and film institutions alike. Needless to say, nobody needs a college student to write a review that pretends to carefully pontificate on whether the film still holds up only to predictably conclude with calling it a timeless classic. I decided to do something a little different. In celebration of the iconic film, I decided to try to experience some of the memorable moments from the film for myself.

1. The Prison Dinner

Roughly halfway through Goodfellas, the lead Henry Hill is sentenced to ten years in prison. Though most would see this as a damining fate, Hill’s time in prison as a well-connected member of the mob is unconventionally relaxed. He, along with his colleagues, have luxuries the average prisoner could only dream of and whip up a fine Italian dinner using supplies smuggled in from paid-off prison guards in a sequence set to Bobby Darin’s “Beyond the Sea.” I decided to give this a go using a recipe I found on Entertainment Weekly’s website. I found two gentlemen on Craigslist who claimed to “know everything there is to know about the mob” who sold me what they called “proper Italian ingredients” for a reasonable price. I was able to get permission to use the Lazarus Kitchen but had to bring my own cooking supplies. I do not cook often but I found this process quite rewarding. The sauce was quite simply delicious and I could see how this meal could make anyone’s day better even if they were behind bars.

Rate: 5/5 

2. Entering the Club from the Backdoor

After finishing my meal, I messaged the two gentlemen, who gave me permission to mention them but wished to go unnamed, thanking them for the ingredients and explaining the article I was working on. They replied enthusiastically and asked me if I wanted to go to a club that night where I could “enter from the back just like Ray Liotta.” I was enthusiastic about this idea but replied saying that I would only go if we all wore masks. The gentlemen agreed and we went to a location which I agreed not to name. Bypassing a long line and entering the club through the kitchen wasn’t quite as exciting as it appears to be in the film, especially when you don’t have someone like Lorraine Bracco by your side. Even though I was only a guest, I couldn’t help but feel like I owned the place.

Rate: 4/5

3. Being an Accessory to Murder

While we were at the club, the two gentlemen got into a disagreement with an old acquaintance. I did everything I could to stay out of it. As the club cleared out at the end of the night, I was instructed to wait by the door while the two gentlemen would resolve the conflict. Much to my chagrin, that conflict was resolved with a first degree felony. By the time the two gentlemen asked me to drive out of town and help them dispose of the body, I felt I was in too deep to say no, but insisted that masks would remain on at all times. With a new perspective gained, I do feel that Goodfellas downplays the horrors of murder but does aptly display the unpleasant nature of having to bury a dead body in the middle of the night.

Rate 0/5

4. Getting Arrested

Due to several social media posts I made the previous night, I was promptly found out and arrested the following day. I can’t say that I didn’t feel a bit of a rush as it was happening, but similarly to how it was portrayed in the film, I found getting arrested to be a deeply unpleasant experience overall.

Rate 1/5

5. Entering the Witness Protection Program

I made the tough decision of giving up my two new friends in exchange for my freedom and safety. I write this article with packed bags and boxes ready to soon depart to a location which I am legally prohibited from disclosing. Though I am excited to begin this new chapter, I will miss the friends I made along the way so this is bittersweet for me.

Rate 2/5

Goodfellas is available on most digital VOD platforms including iTunes and Amazon.

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