Written by 3:34 pm Editorials, Letters

Letter From the Editors

Another successful Fall Weekend came and went! Despite the dreary weather, campus came to life with trees just starting to change color and a chill in the air. As I witnessed heartwarming family gatherings and pet the fluffiest dogs all across campus, I felt transported to the pre-COVID days three years ago when I was a wide-eyed first-year.

Under the HarvestFest tent, we sold amazing t-shirts and adorable stickers designed by multitalented Layout Editor Robbie Lynch. At our table, we reunited with dearly missed alumni (including two former EICs checking in on their beloved newspaper). Another recent grad, Samirah Jaigirdar ‘22, returned to say hello (check out Madelyn Rose’s interview with Jaigirdar, Conn’s Young Alumni Trustee). Generations of camels reminiscing on their alma mater sparked comparisons of annual traditions and events. Managing Editor Lucie Englehardt dove deep into our archives and explored how things have changed (or not) over the years at Conn. Throughout the weekend, there was a plethora of musical performances, including the annual a cappella showcase under the tent on Tempel to the Music Department “Prism” concert in Evans. Arts Editor Davi Schulman reports on Broadway star Stephanie Block’s evening performance, a treat for the Conn community. Check out our arts section for more music reviews and a TCV exclusive curated fall playlist.

While some visitors warmed up in coffee shops, sipping chai lattes and perusing copies of TCV, devoted sports fans flocked to Silfen Field to watch field hockey and soccer games in the rain. Our sports section in this issue is bursting with equally exciting stories. Sports Editor Hannah Foley spotlights successful female coaches in professional athletics while Opinions Editor Ellie Wagner features Ilia Malinin, a prodigious teenage skater coincidentally from my Virginia high school. The rapidly changing New England weather coupled with hurricanes battering states and islands to the south is a constant reminder of the ongoing climate crisis. Annie Feldmar-DeVitre writes about sustainability efforts at Conn, shedding light on the various ways students can soothe their climate anxieties and channel their energy productively.

Just about a month into the semester, Conn students are finding their grooves and settling into their schedules, including the typical busy schedules and looming deadlines around every corner. To destress, check out our original crossword made by Layout Editor Zoe Dubelier and yours truly. It’s perfect for cruciverbalists (a word I learned from my cruciverbalist older sister) and those who haven’t justified a New York Times games subscription yet.

As always, we welcome new writers and anyone interested in getting involved with TCV to reach out! Swing by our biweekly pitch meetings, send us an email, follow our Instagram, and check out our website to learn more. We can’t wait to welcome you to the team.

Catja Christensen

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