Written by 9:28 pm News, Occupy CC 2023 • 6 Comments

Day 2: 48 Hours in Fanning

Photo courtesy of Sophie Mulvihill

As of Tuesday night – the second day of protesting – neither the Board of Trustees nor President Bergeron has responded adequately to student protests; the Fanning occupation continues.

Night of Monday, Feb. 27th: The College shuts down classes for Tuesday due to “inclement weather.” All administrative offices are closed and classes are canceled. Occupiers enjoy hot cocoa and watch a movie together.

Tuesday, Feb. 28th, 2 a.m.: SVE sends an email and mass group texts with a streamlined communication plan and new point people moving forward.

Tues, Feb. 28th, 4 p.m.: To follow up on their earlier message, SVE holds a dialogue and protest poster-making session in Cro’s 1941 room. In this meeting, SVE addresses their new revised communications system, updates students on the occupiers, the status of their discussions with administrators, and what they have learned in the past two days to structure into the coming days.

Students are sharing perspectives on their protesting efforts so far:

Brynn Bernstein (they/them) was quoted on students who have felt inconvenienced by missing courses this week, highlighting that the inaccessibility of campus means that disabled students often have to miss courses:

“We live that. Come live it with us”

Tues, Feb. 28th, 6 p.m.: Faculty members spread the word to students about a faculty solidarity protest at 1:15pm the following day (Wednesday, March 1st). 

Tues, Feb. 28th, 7 p.m.: The cast and production crew of Into The Woods, who have declared that they will refuse to perform unless SVE demands are met, meet to discuss their current plan and how to move forward. 

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