Written by 8:00 am Letters

Letter From the Editors

Following President Katherine Bergeron’s announcement that she will resign at the end of the Spring 2023 semester, the quotidian life of the College has returned in all of its springtime glory. While Bergeron’s resignation has reinstated a sense of stability and normalcy on campus, this edition of The College Voice represents life at Conn in the post-Occupy Conn Coll 2023 era.

This issue looks back on the movement that occupied the College throughout February and March, as Sports Editor Hannah Foley ‘23 pulls back the veil to give readers a look behind the scenes at how TCV worked to fuel the information battle of the movement. Further, Archive Liaison Minnie Madden ‘26 continued to provide historical context surrounding Occupy with two pieces connecting the 1986 Fanning takeover to its contemporary counterpart. Staff Writer Kevin Lieue ‘26 takes a different approach, looking at Conn through a post-Occupy lens, evaluating accessibility on campus and analyzing how the lack thereof affects forward progress at Conn. 

The Voice also does what it historically has – highlighting student achievement on campus. The arts at Conn have been busy in the final stretch of the semester. Arts Editor Caoihme Markey ‘23 covers The Blueprint, the 2nd annual POCA Fashion Show, which artfully combined fashion, music, art, and poetry to showcase a variety of vibrant cultures and stamp their presence at Conn. Co-Editor-in-Chief Catja Christensen’23 recaps her trip with the Dance Department to Ghana, while Madden reviews the concert version of Into the Woods, a show altered greatly by their stance of solidarity with the Occupy Movement. Contributor Owyn Ledina ‘25 highlights and reviews Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Writer-in-Residence Courtney Sender’s first book, a collection of short stories titled “In Other Lifetimes All I’ve Lost Comes Back to Me.” These events speak to the strength of the students and faculty and show a campus flourishing despite the turmoil of the past months. 

This edition of The College Voice shows how the current student body has successfully grappled with the ongoing movement at Conn, putting tremendous energy into pushing the College forward while continuing to impress across all aspects of extracurriculars. To be part of covering the next movement on campus, and in the meantime, the amazing work of Conn students, join our team for the 2023-24 academic year. Applications are currently open for section editor positions, as well as layout, social media, and business manager. Send us an email – thecollegevoice@conncoll.edu – to apply. 

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