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Coffee Shop Orders Based On Your Major

Photo Courtesy of Mike Kenneally

Two weeks to Spring Break means that midterms are on the horizon. If you are looking for some extra caffeine to get you through this stretch to break, this list may be just what you need! 

You may be thinking – does my drink order really match my major? According to Ella Rudisill ‘25, baking manager at Coffee Grounds, “major matches personality, and drinks match personality.” So, Camels, consult this list, keep calm, and coffee on!

Chemistry/Neuroscience: Red Eye

If you major in chem or neuro, you’re likely to spend many long nights in Shain. A red eye (cold brew topped with a shot of espresso) has the extra shot of caffeine that you need to make it through orgo.

English: New London Fog

New London Fog is a classic, timeless drink, just like the English major. Perfect to be slowly sipped on as you read a novel.

Economics/Finance: Americano

Water and espresso: easy to make and quick to drink. The perfect on-the-go energy boost.

Government/International Relations: Coffee with Whole Milk

No matter the coffee, according to Coffee Grounds barista Iman Shaikh ‘26, “Oat and almond milk is an American thing… but everyone uses whole milk everywhere else… it matches that IR majors use whole.”

Environmental Science/Botany: Matcha

If you’re an environmental science or botany major, it is safe to assume you love nature. Ground, green tea leaves are perfect for you.

Art: Dirty Chai Latte

Something sweet, but caffeinated, to get the creative juices flowing!

Psychology: Decaf Latte

Psych majors know how caffeine affects the brain and sleep… decaf is the way to go. 

Computer Science/Math: Mocha

A sweet, powerful flavor to keep you energized through long problem sets. Chocolate or white chocolate, decaf, or caff.: mocha can be made your own.

Human Development/Education: Cold Brew

Something simple that can be dressed up with milk options or flavor shots. Customizable to wherever you’re going- whether it’s the lab school or a mock classroom.

Sociology/History: Hot (Black) Coffee

The most ancient form of coffee- perfect for studying the world’s people and its history.

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