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March Horoscope

March will begin like a roller coaster. Many of us will finalize decisions, make compromises, and sort through complicated situations in the first two weeks. Then, as the month comes to an end, clarity will arrive unexpectedly—well, if you’re reading this it won’t be nearly as unexpected. But look for that brightness and understanding in seemingly mundane moments. Maybe you’re washing your dishes, or taking a familiar, routine route. No two moments are exactly the same; there is something to learn about yourself and the world in each one. 

Usually, I would have something witty to say here. In all honesty, though, the best guidance you’ll receive this month will be from yourself. Pay attention to what you are naturally drawn to and find insight there. It probably won’t be anything “woo woo.” More than likely, you’ll be drawn to try a new kind of coffee or genre of music. Trust that. 

This month is about trusting and learning. To be fair, life is about trusting yourself and learning. But, this March, in particular, will help you understand how you can do that best. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at your horoscope.

Pisces: Baby, it’s your season! Happy birthday! Take some time to celebrate yourself this month. You tend to be a bit messy sometimes. I mean that literally. You take off on adventures and don’t always pay much attention to your space. This month, give yourself some love while you celebrate. Find ways to make cleaning and tidying your space fun. Put on some groovy music. Ask a friend to join you. You’ll experience deeper joy when you come home to a calm place.

Aries: Grrrr. Honestly, that’s what you’re feeling right now. I wish I could describe it in more specific words, but I think you understand exactly what that means. Let yourself feel the “grrrr.” Go throw things (safely!). Scream into a pillow—or just punch it. You need to let out some energy if you’re going to feel any of that clarity I mentioned above. Oh, it also might be your birthday at the end of this month. You don’t wanna show up frustrated. So take care of yourself!

Taurus: Wow, you’ve retreated inside yourself recently. And you know what? Stay there. You’re a perfectly lovely person but you could benefit most from continuing to do some introspection. About halfway through the month, you’ll begin to come out of your shell again. Don’t force it. It will feel like an ebb and flow. You’ll have moments where you feel social and others where you want to crawl back to safety. That’s good. It means that you’re growing into a new form of expression. You’re beginning to interact with people differently than you have in the past. You’ll know it’s right when you feel self-assured in the ways that you behave. Breathe. Take your time.

Gemini: Oh you gorgeous, empathetic human! You’re feeling A LOT, just so much. Unlike Taurus, your emotions are actually bogging you down a bit. Do something spontaneous and a little weird. Step outside of what is comfortable for you. Don’t do anything dangerous, of course. But, maybe go out and explore a place you haven’t been to before. Take yourself on a solo date and make small talk with strangers. Even if that stranger is just a squirrel. 

Cancer: You’re feeling lost. Almost as if you walked into a corn maze in October and still haven’t found the exit. Except that the corn maze is your life. And life is way more malleable than a field of corn. I hope you’re understanding this, it’s important. You can make decisions that will help you feel less lost. Be intentional. So you have no direction? Ok! Pick a direction and go that way. You don’t need to have some divine feeling to choose what to do next. Just do something.

Leo: You’ve been afraid of your curiosity lately. Don’t be. Let it take the wheel. Try new foods. Maybe eat a cricket! Or something more tame like pistachio ice cream. Yeah, pistachio ice cream is good. Look, I know it sounds gross but you can’t make assumptions. You never know what you might like until you try it. Who knows? Pistachio ice cream could be your favorite ice cream. Are you getting the metaphor yet?

Virgo: March is your month to learn. Yes, I know I talked about learning in the introduction. But for you, this month is about more academic learning. Dive into a subject that you’ve always been curious about. Throw on a couple of documentaries during Spring Break. Find a good coffee shop and do some reading.

Libra: Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. I swear this is not the first time I’ve talked to you about boundaries. Look, you’re the sign of balance. So, find some in your relationships. Particularly your professional and academic relationships. Primus ego. Put yourself first. Others’ expectations for you are rarely, if ever, as high as your expectations for yourself. 

Scorpio: Have you done yoga before? Or just done some good stretching after waking up? Take time this month to feel connected to your body. Understand how you are inherently connected to your body. After all, your consciousness is just as much a part of your body as your toes. Try to listen to what your body needs. Often, when we’re feeling sad or upset, it’s just our body telling us that it needs something. Are you hungry? When was the last time you drank water? Do you need a nap? Ask yourself these questions before coming to any grand conclusions about your emotions.

Sagittarius: You’ve got your eye on the prize. You’re probably applying for something, and yes I am taking an educated guess…it is internship and fellowship season after all! But, seriously. You’re focused on a goal and you totally have the cajones to achieve it. Focus on what helps you feel grounded and confident about yourself as you make your way toward this objective. 

Capricorn: Dance. Dance alone, dance with a partner, get lost in a thrall of dancers. You are a naturally graceful person. Really dig into that this month. Channel a little bit of mystery and magic. The way your body moves, the way others’ bodies move is magical. Sing. Let yourself break free from any judgment. Hold yourself in high regard. Embrace a sense of royalty this month, you deserve it.

Aquarius: This month has been a long time coming. You’ve been working on yourself for the past couple of years. Not just how you treat yourself but how you see the world. It’s time to start sharing those thoughts with others in a formal way. Post songs that helped you get to where you are on social media. Or, if you’re feeling more bold, start developing a project that embodies those thoughts.

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