Written by 8:00 am Columns

Bad Advice Betty

Dear Betty:

I have to take a 9am class for my major requirement. There is no way to get out of it; 9 a.m. is the only time slot. It’s on Mondays and Fridays for three hours, and I hate mornings. I pull all-nighters for my classes that aren’t at ungodly hours of the morning. This situation is a nightmare! What should I do?

Not a Morning Person

Dear Not a Morning Person:

I know your struggle. I, too, hate mornings with a fiery passion. Fortunately, there is a playbook used by many college students before you that have been in this exact situation. The first thing you need to know is that you do not need to sacrifice your all-night studying and thirsty Thursdays at Forty Thieves. The only thing you need is Monster Energy, and lots of it. Go to bed at no later than 1 a.m. after finishing an essay due at midnight. This may seem late, but don’t worry! You’ll set your alarm for 8 a.m., but sleep through it. By 8:50 a.m., wake up in a panic. Rush to brush your teeth and put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. By 9 a.m., you’ll just barely make your class in time. And it’s not fun, but you’ll only need to put up with it for one semester. Besides, some people are science majors. They have to take 8 a.m classes. Good luck!


Dear Betty:

I’m an incoming first-year student who has heard conflicting information about skipping classes. Some people say you only need to attend the first and last classes, but I’ve also heard that skipping is a gateway drug. They say all the lectures and powerpoints are online, and so is the homework, so I don’t really need to attend class. But some classes have participation credit. How do you feel about skipping classes?


Dear Conflicted:

Your confusion over skipping classes is valid. Yes, the first and last classes are important. They’re when you get the syllabus and when you review for the finals. Skipping classes is not a gateway drug, though; everyone knows that’s marijuana. However, skipping classes becomes a bad habit, especially when a lot of classes have participation grades and limited unexcused absences. Yes, the slides and homework are online. However, the classes are so small that people will notice if you skip classes and it’ll become a whole thing. Besides, the professor is usually nice. At least throw them a bone.


Dear Betty:

My boyfriend and I are at a crossroads. We’re currently long distance, as I’m home in Florida and he’s home in New York. We’ll both be seniors this year, and are trying to figure out what to do after graduation. We don’t want to be the reason the other one gives up an amazing opportunity, but we’re madly in love. Do you have any advice for us?


Dear Confused:

Dump him. He’s just a man.


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