Written by 8:00 am Editorials, Letters

Letter from the Editor

At the beginning of this semester, my senior year, I decided on alliterative goals to have the Best School Year EverTM: camping, climbing, clubbing (loosely interpreting as socializing), and credit crushing (in no particular order of importance). Outlining these goals has certainly been a success for me and has encouraged me to foster friendships and engage in my hobbies without losing my focus on school. This list is ever-evolving so long as I can come up with more “c” words (such as copy editing, community engagement, or cats—specifically my cat, Jack-Jack).

Whatever your goals are this year, remind yourself of them frequently. You are more than capable of conquering whatever may come your way as a camel. 

In this edition, as far as “c” topics go, we have writers such as Matthew DiRienzo ‘25 covering conflict with the lack of a creative writing professor tenure-track position, Cruciverbalist Erica Smith talking everything counseling on campus, Sports Editor Luke Corless continuing the regular Camel of the Edition column featuring field hockey’s Bridget McGann ‘26 this edition, and Nikeya Tankard ‘28 writing on the current Cummings exhibit—all worth checking out. I also recommend our crossword from Smith and all three of our comics, one from The Abbys, and two from Ava Mary Aloia ‘26 (see what I did there?).

Speaking of fall activities, Arts Editor Emma Dinkelspiel and Contributor Claire Protano ‘25 cover the annual Meadowlark Music Festival which took place in the beautiful Stone Ridge Apple Orchards in the Hudson Valley in New York. Sports Editor LK Tucker provides a preview of the upcoming MLB Playoffs.

Topics important to the College such as the recent demonstration by dining staff and students were covered by our editorial staff and the new period product dispensers installed by Ana Flood ‘25 along with members of the PERIOD club were covered by Managing Editor Davi Schulman. 

Professor Emeritus of Physics Michael Monce submitted a Letter to the Editor in response to last edition’s piece titled “Connecticut College Takes Steps to Handle History Properly.” You can read this on the next page. Anyone considered a member of the Connecticut College community may submit letters to the editor, which must be in response to an article, letter, or editorial of the most recent issue of the paper, by emailing thecollegevoice@conncoll.edu

I hope whatever goals you have set for yourself this year bring you as much cheer as mine do. As the sun moves beyond our sight behind the clouds for the infamous New England fall and winter weather, keep your goals clear in your mind’s eye, and best of luck going into this next section of the fall semester!



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