Written by 4:46 pm Arts

“The Wolves” Play Review

“The Wolves” tells the story of an intramural women’s soccer team and the personal baggage each character brings onto the field. Nearly every scene of the play occurs during warm-ups prior to a game, depicting conversations that range from a philosophical conversation involving the Khmir Rouge, to intimate arguments regarding family and friends. These sequences feel all the more authentic due to the incredible set that was created for the play, which includes a green turf field at the center with audience seating wrapping around it, giving the small Tansill Theater the feel of a grand indoor stadium. Bright orange benches on both sides of the green and exit doors designed to appear as porta-potties give the audience a further sense of immersion. Despite the impressive art direction, this play would not work if the actresses did not shine. Fortunately, the women at the center of this play deliver phenomenal performances all around that perfectly convey the pain, joy, and inner-turmoil that their characters experience throughout the play. Caroline Ruggiano, Naomi Miller, Isabelle Stanton, Julia Toto, Sarah Sugg, Wylie McCann, Katherine Hurst, Mia Barbuto, Clare Peyton, and Julianna Goldfluss all bring their characters to life, making me excited for future theater productions at Conn. •

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