Written by 8:28 pm News, Occupy CC 2023 • 17 Comments

Day 5: 120 Hours in Fanning

Photo courtesy of Sam Maidenberg ’23

Night of 3/2: Last night was mostly a quiet evening at Fanning. A group meeting was hosted to discuss SVE updates and check in on all occupiers. Occupiers worked on classwork or group activities such as games and watch parties.

Morning: Some Fanning Occupiers wake up to work on a puzzle. Occupiers eat grilled cheese and homemade vegan tomato soup for lunch while having a full group meeting. Lunch was also accompanied by a watch party of How To Train Your Dragon.

12:50 p.m: The College Voice publishes a faculty statement in support of student protests complete with 155 signatures.  

5:30 p.m: Students come together between Fanning and New London Hall to mark the fifth day of Occupy CC 2023, the longest occupation in Connecticut College history. Staged as a community event instead of a protest, the gathering focuses on furthering the bond between students. Music plays and glow sticks are handed out to illuminate the night. Meanwhile, the ongoing effort of poster-making that has provided some of the movement’s most memorable moments is furthered as messages are painted onto large tarps to be displayed on Tempel Green. 

All day: In an official communication, SVE outlines next steps as the weekend approaches and spring break looms. Throughout the day, SVE meets as an entire committee to establish benchmarks for each demand, reiterating their commitment to all eight demands. SVE also began conducting meetings with the administration, as Deans Arcelus, Norbert, and Egan, to establish clear lines of communications regarding the future of the College. Finally, SVE reiterates that they will continue to occupy Fanning until the demands are met. Occupiers concurrently agreed to stay in the building as the process toward meeting all eight demands persits. Groups within the broader SVE will continue to meet throughout the weekend to lay out plans for addressing their specific demands, with the ultimate goal of making the College a more inclusive space throughout all sectors of life.

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