Author: Amber Villanueva

Homonationalism Gone Viral: The Affective Politics of Discipline and Control


Jasbir Puar, a professor of women’s and gender studies at Rutgers University, explained last Thursday at a lecture entitled...

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Weaving the Safety Net: Potential budget cuts threaten on-campus sexual violence awareness programs

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April is Sexual Assult Awareness Month—a fact which many students at Connecticut College know thanks primarily to Darcie Folsom’s work...

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Bone Marrow Drive Seeks to Raise Awareness on Campus

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Molly Murphy ’13 realized something needed to be done when her sister’s best friend, Mandi Schwartz, passed away from leukemia because...

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Breaking Dawn and Dating Abuse

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On Monday, November 14, just a few days before the premier of Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Shannon Keating ’14, a member of SafetyNet, a...

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What You Seek is Seeking You: Thinking About Sufism


This past Thursday and Friday, the symposium “Sufism as a Mediating Force in South Asia,” a conference imagined by Professor Sufia...

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Students Move to Ban Bananas


SGA has introduced a new initiative to completely ban Chiquita bananas from the dining halls. Two years ago students at Connecticut College...

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