Author: Luca Powell

Suits and Gowns: Why Rugby is more fun in a Suit


There are few activities that accompany themselves like rugby and drinking. Perhaps bocce and cigars. Shoes and socks. Maybe, even, Tinder,...

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The Pulse of Student Poetry

Arts • 2 Comments

“It’s times like these when I really think I have the best job in the world,” stated Professor Charles Hartman as he broke the...

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New Contract Provides New Opportunities for Camel Van


As a school located just outside Boston, Providence and New York City, as well as numerous other smaller, yet just as exciting cities,...

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About That Gong…


It was large and round. It was bound in an almost casually drawn peace sign. It was bronze, in varying hues, and on days when the sun broke...

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Poet Laureate Marilyn Nelson Takes Students on an Imaginative Journey


Last Thursday, November 29, our very own Charles Chu room was graced with incredible talent. For an hour, maybe only a small sliver of the...

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Nude Art, Brought to you by CCFC

Sports • 3 Comments

In the past week, a lot of brouhaha has arisen over one seemingly controversial piece of Harvestfest merchandise: The Men’s Club Soccer...

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