A.S.I.A. Airs Resistance at Tule Lake, a Reminder of Civil Rights Violations
When I perused my “This Weekend at Conn” email on Friday morning, I was surprised and grateful to find a variation from the standard a capella concerts and Cro dances: that night, Asian Students in Action (A.S.I.A.) would be screening Resistance at Tule Lake, a 2017 documentary by Konrad Aderer about the underexposed dissenters to the internment of Japanese Americans.
Peace (Corps) & Conflict
There’s a big, ugly intrusion on the fourth page of this issue. In its full multicolored glory, its text commands: “MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR WORLD.” Because you are the educated, privileged reader of a college newspaper, the text reminds, the “world” is yours.
The Cause for Conn’s “Voluntary” Payments to New London
Over the summer, Connecticut College fulfilled its final obligation in a ten-year contract with the City of New London. From 2007 to 2017, the College paid the City a total of $100,000, contributing a yearly $7,500 during the first five years of the agreement and $12,500 during the second.