Author: Meredith Boyle

On How We Interact with New London

Editorials, New London • 4 Comments

A couple of recent events have made me reconsider Connecticut College’s relationship with New London. The first was during freshman...

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Letters to the Editor; April 30, 2012


Your April 9 editorial suggests that the College’s policies related to underage drinking are impeding the cam- pus social scene and...

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A Crusader for Food Justice Speaks on Abundance in a Time of Lack


On Thursday, March 3, Francis Moore Lappé gave a talk titled “From Famine and Fruit Loops to Food Democracy,” officially kicking off...

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On Paper Cups

Editorials • 3 Comments

  At the beginning of this semester, I approached the General Manager of Dining Services, Mike Kmec, about the possibility of...

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Bed Bugs Found in North Campus

News • One Comment

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Cablegate: exploring WikiLeaks

News • 3 Comments

Last week, the organization WikiLeaks published the first installment of a massive stockpile of U.S State Department cables that detail...

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Evaluating the United Nations


Students filled the Blaustein lecture hall on Friday as government professors Tristan Borer and William Rose, and economics professor Maria...

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Midterm Elections: Yes, They Do Matter

News • One Comment

On Election Day 2010, myriad reasons will inevitably dissuade students from exercising their right to vote: I don’t know where to vote. I...

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You Are What You Eat


At first glance, the banana appears benign: the curved, soft, cheerfully-yellow fruit is the most consumed fruit in the United States and...

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