The Civic Imperative of Voting
Much has been made on our liberal arts campus of the civic duty to vote in the presidential election. Popular phrases alluding to the imperative of voting, or abstaining from the vote, abound: “It doesn’t matter how much you know about politics. The important thing is that you vote,” and “Bernie or bust!” have been commonly heard throughout the campaign.
State of Accessibility Services
There is an office hidden away in the Academic Resource Center that many people are completely unaware of: the Office of Student Accessibility Services. For some, it is very much a part of the back-to-school routine. This routine is second nature, just like the annual visit to Staples before the first day of school. Students who enter the office are greeted with a bowl of dark-chocolate Reese’s peanut butter cups placed strategically by the desk of Accessibility Coordinator Lillian Liebenthal, who asks, “What can I help you with today?”